REGISTER 954-966-0017
Signed in as:
ENGLISH 4 CREDITS English 1, English 2, English 3, English 4
MATH 4 CREDITS Algebra 1, Geometry and 2 courses at the Algebra 2 ..................................................................................level or higher
SCIENCE. 3 CREDITS Physical Science, Biology and 1 course from the
SOCIAL SCIENCE 3 CREDITS World History, US History, Govrnt & Economics
..................................................................................Chemistry, Physical Science, Physics or Integ Science 3
PRACTICAL ARTS 1 CREDIT 1 Credit in PerformingFine Arts or Practical Arts
................................................................................course that incorporates artistic content and
................................................................................ techniques of creativity, interpretation and imagination
PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1 CREDIT Personal Fitness and 1 Credit of any P.E course
ELECTIVES 8 CREDIT Additional Requirements: 2.0 (Minimum)
...................................................................................145 Community Service Hours (Minimum)
Harvard International Academy Foundation
3260 Stirling Road Ste B Hollywood, Fl 33021
OFFICE: 954-966-0017 FAX: 954-301-5828
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